Airports within 100 km around Hoeksken

Browse all airports in Belgium within a radius of 100 km around Hoeksken.

18 airports found in Belgium within 100 km around Hoeksken.

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of airports around Hoeksken: 15 km50 km

Airports 100 km around Hoeksken

18 airports found in Belgium within 100 km around Hoeksken.
Airports in the regional area of Hoeksken
Ath/Isieres Airport Ath/Isieres AirportEBIS34 km 21 mishow
Airport Ursel Ursel35 km 22 mishow
Brussels Airport Brussels AirportBRU, EBBR43 km 27 mishow
Antwerp International Airport Antwerp International AirportANR, EBAW47 km 29 mishow
Wevelgem Airport Wevelgem AirportEBKT, KJK50 km 31 mishow
Maubray Airport Maubray AirportEBTY56 km 35 mishow
Airport Brasschaat BrasschaatEBBT59 km 37 mishow
Airport Oostmalle Air Base Oostmalle Air BaseEBZR, OBL69 km 43 mishow
Brussels South Charleroi Airport Brussels South Charleroi AirportCRL, EBCI69 km 43 mishow
Airport Flughafen Bruessel-Charleroi Flughafen Brüssel-Charleroi69 km 43 mishow
Ostend-Bruges International Airport Ostend-Bruges International AirportEBOS, OST75 km 47 mishow
Airport Namur-Suarlee Airfield Namur-Suarlée AirfieldEBNM, QNM82 km 51 mishow
Avernas-le-Bauduin Airport Avernas-le-Bauduin AirportEBAV87 km 54 mishow
Airport Koksijde KoksijdeEBFN87 km 54 mishow
Airport Weelde Military Weelde MilitaryEBWE89 km 55 mishow
Airport Sint-Truiden Sint-TruidenEBST95 km 59 mishow
Cerfontaine Airport Cerfontaine AirportEBCF97 km 60 mishow
Couthuin Airport Couthuin AirportEBHE99 km 62 mishow

You can reduce or expand the radius of your search of airports around Hoeksken: 15 km50 km